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REF India (c) 2019, Developed by Five Online
Category: Past RRC & Other CME’s
October 10, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Due to Logistical reason the program is postponed for now. The date will be announced...
October 10, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Instructions :-
This workshop was held on 17th June, 2018 at Board room, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
Only 28 registrations were accepted on first-come, first-serve basis.
October 10, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Registration Information :-Radiology and imaging is at an inflection point right now, poised for tremendous growth and disruptive changes due to rising demand, increasing...
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Key Learning Objectives:
Radiation exposure: Substance over hypeDaily DO's and DONT's in CT and MRI: Managing issues related to contrast, pregnancy, metal implants...
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Due to Logistical reason the workshop is postponed for now. The date will be announced...
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Tea/Coffee breakTea/Coffee breakInstructions
The course was from 11-14 Oct 2018 at Tata Memorial Hospital, R D Choksi Hall, Golden Jubliee Building, Parel, Mumbai
Only 200...
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
The course was held on 3rd November 2018 for Radiologist at Marriott & Courtyard, Hyderabad. Tank Bund Road, Opposite Husain Sagar Lake, Hyderabad 500080
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
Key learning point:
Radiation exposure substance over hype
Daily Dos’ and Don’ts in CT and MRI: Managing issues related to contrast, pregnancy, metal implants etc…
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
At the end of the session, the delegate were able to
Identify ILDs
Differentiate fibrosing from non-fibrosing ILDs
Differentiate among the various fibrosing ILDs...
October 7, 2019
Past RRC & Other CME’s
At the end of the session, the delegate were able to
Identify ILDs
Differentiate fibrosing from non-fibrosing ILDs
Differentiate different fibrosing ILDs based...