Author: refindia

Portal Nodal Tuberculosis
January 1, 2020
This 24-years old man had fever every night starting April 2019, when a CT scan showed necrotic portal nodes. A biopsy could not be done at the time and he was not put on any...
Head-Cheese Sign
December 31, 2019
This has nothing to do with cheese, but represents a mish-mash of meat made from the head of a calf or pig. This variegated appearance when seen in a patient with interstitial...
Mounier-Kuhn disease
December 30, 2019
60-years old man with treated for asthma. CT chest shows bronchiectasis. The trachea and bronchi show diverticular disease, which is beautifully captured in the minIP images....
Lungs of stone
December 25, 2019
19-years old boy with gradually progressive breathlessness. Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM) is one of those rare situations, where the radiograph is a spot diagnosis...