• The course was held from 4th to 6th April 2008 at Tata Memorial Hospital’s R.D Choksi Auditorium Hall.
  • The registration fees were Rs.1200 for Residents and Rs.1500 for Consultants.
  • The program was as follows


    Day 1- April 04, 2008    
Topics Speaker Start Time End Time Duration
Disc diseases, canal stenosis & failed back Bhavin Jankharia/
Shekhar Bhojraj
2.00 pm 3.00 pm 60 mins
Spine trauma A Anbuarasu / Samir Dalvie 3.00 pm 4.00 pm 60 mins
    Break 20m    
Spine infections Deepak Patkar / Abhay Nene 4.20 pm 5.15 pm 55 mins
Collapsed vertebra   5.15 pm 6.30 pm 75 mins
Radiology A Anbuarasu 5.15 pm 5.40 pm 25 mins
Clinical issues Ram Chaddha 5.40 pm 6.00 pm 20 mins
Vertebroplasty Suyash Kulkarni 6.00 pm 6.30 pm 30 mins
Marrow – normal and abnormal A Anbuarasu 6.30 pm 6.45 pm 15 mins

Day 1 questions

  Day 1- April 04, 2008  
Speaker Question Duration (Mins)
Disc diseases, canal stenosis & failed back (60 Mins)    
Shekhar Bhojraj What aspects of disc anatomy are relevant to understanding disc disease? How does the disc degenerate and how is this relevant to imaging? 7
Bhavin Jankharia What does the normal disc look like? What are the different types of disc degeneration and what is their appearance on imaging? 7
Shekhar Bhojraj What terminology are you particular about in the reporting of disc bulges and herniation? 5
Bhavin Jankharia Radiological reporting of disc bulges and herniation 7
Shekhar Bhojraj What is canal stenosis and what do you expect from the radiologist while reporting MRIs? 5
Bhavin Jankharia What are the radiological aspects of canal stenosis? 7
Shekhar Bhojraj What are the various common causes of a failed back and what information do you need from imaging? 5
Bhavin Jankharia What are the different imaging appearances in failed back? 7
  Q & A 10
Spine trauma (60 Mins)    
Samir Dalvie Please explain broad concepts of spine trauma based on the concept of force of trauma 10
A Anbuarasu What are the broad principles of imaging? What does spine trauma look like on plain radiographs, CT and MRI 15
Samir Dalvie When do you use plain radiographs, MRI & CT. What information do you expect from the imaging and the reports? 10
A Anbuarasu What is the relative role of the various modalities? 15
  Q & A 10
Spine infections (55 Mins)    
Abhay Nene What is the epidemiology, etiopathology and pathophysiology of tuberculosis of the spine? 5
Deepak Patkar What are the typical plain radiographic, CT scan and MRI appearances of spine TB? 10
Abhay Nene What are the atypical manifestations of spine TB in clinical practice? 5
Deepak Patkar What are the plain radiographic, CT scan and MRI appearance of atypical spine TB 10
Abhay Nene What information do you want from the radiologists? When do you dedide to biopsy? 5
Deepak Patkar What are the radiologic mimics of spine TB? 5
Bhavin Jankharia How do we biopsy? 5
  Q & A 10
Collapsed vertebra (75 Mins)    
Ram Chaddha What is the typical presentation of a patient with a collapsed vertebra 5
A Anbuarasu What does a collapsed vertebra look like on plain radiographs, CT & MRI 7
A Anbuarasu What are the appearances of benign and pathologic collapsed vertebrae 8
Ram Chaddha What information do you want from a radiologist? 5
A Anbuarasu How do we differentiate benign from pathologic collapse 10
Ram Chaddha How do we differentiate benign from pathologic collapse 5
Suyash Kulkarni Are they any specific issues when biopsying collapsed vertebrae? 5
Suyash Kulkarni Please tell us more about vertebroplasty. 20
  Q & A 10


    Day 2- April 05, 2008    
Topics Speaker Start Time End Time Duration
Knee   9.00 am 10.30 pm 90 mins
How I report a knee MRI Bhavin Jankharia 9.10 am 10.00 am 10 mins
Menisci & cruciates Darshana Sanghavi 9.30 am 10.15 am 50 mins
Clinical issues Dinshaw Pardiwala 10.00 am 10.15 am 15 mins
OCD, osteonecrosis, cartilage issues Darshana Sanghavi 10.15 am 10.30am 15 mins
    Break 20m    
Shoulder   10.50am 12.20pm 90 mins
How I report a shoulder MRI Bhavin Jankharia 10.50am 11.00am 10 mins
Rotator cuff – MRI Malini Lawande 11.00am 11.20 am 20 mins
Rotator cuff – USG Bipin Shah 11.20 am 11.40 am 20 mins
Clinical issues Sanjay Garude 11.40 am 12 noon 20 mins
Instability Bhavin Jankharia 12 noon 12.20 pm 20 mins
Ankle & Foot   12.20 pm 1.00 pm 40 mins
MRI – Overview Roy D’Souza 12.20 pm 1.00 pm 40 mins
    Lunch 1pm-2pm (60m)    
Ankle & Foot   2.00 pm 2.40 pm 40 mins
Tendons – USG Ashwin Lawande 2.00 pm 2.20 pm 20 mins
Tendons – MRI Roy D’Souza 2.20 pm 2.40 pm 20 mins
TM joint Bhavin Jankharia 2.40 pm 3.00 pm 20 mins
    Break 15m    
Hip   3.15 pm 4.45 pm 90 mins
Osteonecrosis Darshana Sanghavi 3.15 pm 3.35 pm 20 mins
Clinical issues Sanjay Agarwala 3.35 pm 3.55 pm 20 mins
Femoro-acetabular impingement Bhavin Jankharia 3.55 pm 4.15 pm 30 mins
Clincal Issues Dinshaw Pardiwala 4.15 pm 4.35 pm 20 mins
    Break 20m    
Wrist & Hand   5.05 pm 6.35 pm 85 mins
TFCC & carpal tunnel Darshana Sanghavi 5.05 pm 5.25 pm 20 mins
Instability Bhavin Jankharia 5.25 pm 5.45 pm 20 mins
Gamekeepr’s thumb & flexor apparatus – USG Ashwin Lawande 5.45 pm 6.15 pm 30 mins
Gamekeepr’s thumb & flexor apparatus – MRI Malini Lawande 6.15 pm 6.35 pm 20 mins

Day 2 questions

  Day 2- April 05, 2008  
Speaker Question Duration (Mins)
Knee (90 Mins)    
Bhavin Jankharia How do I perform and report a knee MRI 10
Dinshaw Pardiwala What information do you want from a radiologist wrt meniscal pathology? 5
Darshana Sanghavi What are the various aspects of meniscal pathology on MRI? 15
Dinshaw Pardiwala What information do you want from a radiologist wrt the cruciates? 5
Darshana Sanghavi What are the various issues regarding cruciate pathology on MRI? 15
Dinshaw Pardiwala What information would you like from radologists in post-op menisci & cruciates? 5
Darshana Sanghavi What are the typical post-operative appearances following meniscal & cruciate injury? 10
Dinshaw Pardiwala What are clinical issues in OC lesions and OCD and what information do you want from radiologists? 5
Darshana Sanghavi What are the typical radiological issues in OCD and OC lesions? 10
  Q & A 10
Shoulder (60 Mins)    
Bhavin Jankharia How do I perform and report a shoulder MRI 10
Sanjay Garude What are the clinical issues in rotator cuff pathology and what do you expect from radiologists? 10
Bipin Shah What are the USG appearances of rotator cuff pathology? 15
Malini Lawande What are the MRI appearances of rotator cuff pathology? 15
Sanjay Garude What are the clinical issues with instability & SLAP injuries? 10
Bhavin Jankharia What are the radiological appearances of instability and SLAP injuries? 20
  Q & A 10
Osteonecrosis (40 Mins)    
Sanjay Agarwala What is the pathophysiology and etiology of osteonecrosis of the femoral head? 7
Darshana Sanghavi What are the typical plain x-ray, CT and MRI appearances of osteonecrosis of the femoral head? What are the typical differential diagnoses? 10
Sanjay Agarwala What information do you really want from the radiologists? 5
Darshana Sanghavi How do you stage AVN? Is MRI grading important? 10
  Q & A 8
Femoro-acetabular impingement (50 Mins)    
Dinshaw Pardiwala What is FAI? What are its various types? 10
Bhavin Jankharia How do we perform an “FAI” study? What are the typical plain radiographic and MRI appearances in FAI? 15
Dinshaw Pardiwala What information are you looking for in patients with FAI? 5
Bhavin Jankharia How do we do an MRI arthrogram and what are the typcal appearances of the normal and abnormal labrum in FAI? 10
  Q & A 10


    Day 3- April 06, 2008    
Topics Speaker Start Time End Time Duration
Bone & Soft Tissue Tumors   9.00 am 12.05 am  
Plain radiographs Ravi Ramakantan 9.00 am 9.45 am 45 mins
CT & MRI Bhavin Jankharia 9.45 am 10.30 am 45 mins
Clinical issues Ajay Puri 10.30 am 10.45 am 15 mins
    Break 20m    
Soft tissue tumor imaging Bhavin Jankharia 11.05 am 11.35 pm 30 mins
Clnical issues Manish Agarwal 11.35 pm 12.05 pm 30 mins
Fractures & trauma Ravi Ramakantan 12.05 pm 12.50 pm 45 mins
    Lunch 12.05pm-1.45pm (60m)    
Arthropathies Bhavin Jankharia 1.45 pm 2.30 pm 45 mins
    Break 15m    
Metabolic bone diseases Ravi Ramakantan 2.45 pm 3.30 pm 60 mins

Day 3 questions

  Day 3- April 06, 2008  
Speaker Question Duration (Mins)
Bone Tumors (105 Mins)    
Manish Agarwal What are the clinico-pathologic issues when dealing with bone tumors? 10
Ravi Ramakantan What are the plain radiographic appearances of bone tumors?35 35
Bhavin Jankharia What are the CT & MRI appearances of bone tumors? When is one better than the other? 25
Manish Agarwal What information do you want from a radiologist? 5
Bhavin Jankharia What are the issues when staging bone tumors? 10
Manish Agarwal When do you biopsy bone tumors? What are the clinical issues involved? 5
Bhavin Jankharia How do we biopsy bone tumors? 5
  Q & A 10
Soft Tissue Tumors (60 Mins)    
Manish Agarwal What are the typical soft tissue tumors we encounter? 10
Bhavin Jankharia What are the typical imaging findings in soft tissue tumors? 15
Manish Agarwal What are the clinical issues involved with diagnosis & staging. What information do you want from a radiologist? 10
Bhavin Jankharia How do we stage soft tissue tumors? 10
Manish Agarwal When do we biopsy soft tissue tumors? What are the issues involved? 5
  Q & A 10